What I'm playing this week: Flight Control

Flight Control
This week I've been revisiting another golden oldie in Flight Control. It's a simple, yet challenging puzzle game that sees you take on the role of air traffic controller bringing the aircraft in to land. As time goes by the skys around your landing strips and helipads gets busier and busier, and not crashing the aircraft into each other becomes more and more challenging.

It's just a great example of a mobile game. Simple controls, perfectly designed for the touchscreen, and a real pick up and play mentality. Guiding your aircraft in to land requires nothing more than tracing a flight path on the screen with your finger. You get a bunch of different levels to play and you're tasked with landing big jets, smaller prop planes, helicopters, a real mix. If the aircraft get too close, alter the flight path and take them on a new one to keep everyone flying.
It actually gets pretty difficult, pretty quickly, but not so much so that you're frustrated enough to stop playing. Pair it up with colorful – if simplistic – graphics and you've got a great mobile time waster.


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