LG Beats Apple to the Number Two Spot in U.S. Handset Market Share

We don’t hear much about LG in the smartphone wars discussion. Most of the news focus is Apple and Samsung (so again, you have to ask yourself about what’s hype and what’s hot), but two reports came out recently that are great news for LG—they’ve jumped to second place in the U.S. handset market—bumping Apple out of the silver medal spot.
Counterpoint Research published the results this week after analyzing the holiday sales. Buoyed by the Optimus G hitting the one million mark in sales, LG was able to bounce Apple from the number two handset market share department with 13% share (Apple has 12%).
Not to take anything away from LG’s achievement, it is important to note that the handset data lumps smartphones and “feature phones” together. Since Apple only makes a smartphone, being in in third place, when the rest of the manufacturers have several devices in the category, is nothing to sneeze at.
Also worth noting that we don’t usually think about LG selling a lot of devices, but the Google Nexus 4 is made by LG (so it counts), but people don’t think of the Nexus 4 as an “LG phone”. Which is great for LG, maybe not in the consumer recognition and branding department, but in the sales department…
Also like giant Samsung (who have 33% market share, btw), LG makes a lot more than just phones. I really like my LG home theater (wish it had WiFi, but ethernet is okay) and my Samsung HD TV in my office is fantastic. The point being these are companies who make lots of different products and I’d love to see how internal company politics favors one over the other.
But, hey, LG could be the dark horse challenger to watch if Samsung or Apple start to stumble in the smartphone department. Let’s see what they come out with this year and see.
Via The Next Web
Photo from Flickr via LG PR.


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